Tag Archives: jok

Tvoj oče je župnik

V porodnišnici je rodila mlada žena in ko jo je po porodu obiskal v sobi doktor je planila v jok.
“Doktor, jaz ne vem kaj naj storim! Mož me bo ubil, ko bo izvedel, da imam otroka. Že leto dni je namreč na začasnem delu v tujini in ga ves čas ni bilo domov!” je prestrašeno dejala.
“Bova že našla pametno rešitev,” je rekel doktor in zapustil bolniško sobo.
V bolnišnici je ležal tudi katoliški duhovnik, ki so mu ta dan izrezali slepič. Doktor ga je obiskal v sobi in mu rekel: Continue reading

Dovolj jokanja

I’m enough.

Enough of crying.

Enough of waiting.

I’m enough of wishing that your arms are around me.

I’m enough of starring at your window,

expecting you’ll show up.

I’m enough of being afraid of everything,

of being so wonerable since I’ve been in love with you.

I’m enough of acting like everything is alright,

when deep inside I’m slowly falling apart on thousand little pieces.

I’m enough people saying to me : ?‚»He’s not for you.?‚«

Because you are.

You just don’t know that.

I’m enough of being so strange.

I’m enough of these black feelings ghattering in my soul,

they frighten me.

And most of all.

I’m afraid.

That loving you may destroy me.

Because I never. Ever. Ever. Loved someone,

the way I love you.